Saturday, March 14, 2015

Learning to Survive

Survival is a must in this life, in our society we are extremely individual based, which isn't universally bad in its-self. When life becomes overwhelming we need others to hold us up and even care for us. As my friend's in Fit-To Fight like to say "Everyone's fighting something".

I find this to be true, some are just better at hiding the enemy their fighting against, be that depression, addiction, self-doubt and so one. The past few days I have been in an out of the hospital due to an infection in my left foot. Worse yet, muscle spasms have been adding to the equation. These spasms have been the worst I have ever experienced to date. The spasms have shot from my foot, all the way up to my lower back and doctors aren't sure why.

It's been hard for me to stand up, walk and even make it to the bath room in time. Luckily I have had the most awesome friends to help me through this rough time. Going back to the pain however, it was so excruciating that I could barely take a step with my crutches, my back would start to seize on me.

But I kept telling my body "just take a step... Just take a step, then another... you'll make it". I always began to be reminded that the pain could last an hour, a few days, a month or even a year, but that the pain would pass. This is what it takes to survive, the mental, emotional and even physical where-with all to know that you will make it.

The key is knowing that no matter what, you can't give up, you have to keep fighting and moving forward. We can't make it in this life alone, no matter how much we try to make ourselves believe it. It's a lie. We need others and we need to daily train ourselves to be the best warriors we can be.

-Brandon Ryan, Adaptive Defense   

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