Saturday, March 21, 2015

You Must Fight

That's what I've been telling myself this week... "You must fight" Over and over again,  I haven't been able to train much (grappling wise) due to my left foot still recovery from an infection. I've had to a lot from a sitting position on the ground. Life has seemed to be exceedingly difficult this week.

But I was faced with two options:

1) I could allow the heaviness of life to hold me down..

or 2) I could keep fighting...

Thankfully, God made me a fighter, because some how I find the strength to keep moving forward. The last several weeks I have been talking to my students a lot about perseverance and character shaping. I long for my students to not only be tough physically, but mentally and emotionally. Life will come at you hard, it spares no one, so you have to be ready to have your defenses up for when it does attack. 

We must be willing to adapt to the current life brings with it, that is the number one thing training in martial arts has taught me. Martial arts is not about being able to exhort physical aggression on someone, although there may be a time that calls for it. The point then is self-mastery, being able to control your emotions and thought process.

Do not confuse self-mastery with perfection, we will always fall short and there is always room for growth. Self-mastery, in this context will take a life time, but the point is that your learning, growing, adapting and overcoming.

You must fight.   

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